Streamline Your TDoc Review Process, Making Every Minute Count.
[NEW Release!]
Introducing "Proposal Zone" - Tailored for Delegates and Feature Leads!
Quickly access, evaluate, and strategize with all relevant proposals in one place.
(released: August 13, 2024)
For delegates
Simplify the process of reviewing and comparing proposals, reduce administrative overhead, and focus on contributing valuable input.
for feature leads
Utilize GPT’s tagging, topic extraction, and sentiment analysis to guide discussions and make strategic decisions.
Except the new feature "Proposal Zone", we also continue improving the other features below.
Identified Problem
Are you facing mountains of TDocs before the coming 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 meetings?
Delegates' limited time is valuable and irreplaceable. Is there any feasible approach or tool to help delegates improve their efficiency during the TDoc review process?
Objective & Solution
We aim to help 3GPP delegates review TDoc more efficiently before 3GPP meetings.
Our solution is Standard Impact Extractor (SIE), an online SaaS based on TDocs from 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 meetings. Currently, SIE comprises two modules: TDoc Explorer and TDoc Viewer.
TDoc Explorer
is a workflow tool that allows delegates to search, filter, review, and evaluate multiple TDocs of a particular 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 meeting.
TDoc Viewer
is a viewer tool that allows delegates to input a single TDoc No. to review and evaluate its content.
By reducing repetitive burdens, e.g., downloading, unzipping, opening files, switching between windows, closing files, etc.
By integrating personal comments and search history, e.g., Read/Unread, Positive/Neutral/Negative/, and customized tags,
By pre-processing the critical content from the discussion and CR types of TDocs, delegates can view full content or extracted content of multiple TDocs with TDoc Explorer.
Delegates can also review the full text of a single TDoc via TDoc viewer or download the original file from 3GPP.
Once Login, more features are unlocked to boost productivity
Delegates' consensus in 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 meetings defines future standards. Because of the importance of delegates' insights, how about integrating personal comments with the TDoc review workflow in one single web browser rather than switching spreadsheets and TDocs files?
We'll notify the login users by email to experience the latest reversions, including bug fixes, new features, and any improvements.
Let's Join Our Growing Community
Thank you for joining this growing community. Over 2,000 users across 129 companies/organizations have chosen to experience this tool, Standard Impact Extractor (SIE).
From: 2024/2/21 to 2024/5/14
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The delegates' unique perspectives are invaluable. We sincerely invite you to take our survey to help us improve our product/service. Your feedback is very appreciated!
We have used commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the data provided is complete and has been obtained from reliable sources. The information contained in this product (beta version) is current as of the date of this product (beta version) and may not reflect any circumstances that occur after such date.
This product (beta version) is not intended as legal advice. All information is provided “as-is” and we make no representation or warranty of any kind. We will not be liable for any lost profits, revenues, indirect, special consequential, exemplary or punitive damages resulting from this product (beta version).